EESC Civil Society Week 2025 – Join us! 17-20 March, EESC, Brussels From 17 to 20 March, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will host the second edition of Civil Society Week, this time focusing on Strengthening cohesion and participation in polarised societies. Together with experts, EU policymakers, and civil society across Europe and beyond, we will tackle pressing challenges of our time, providing a unique platform to engage in critical discussions, sharing best practices, and collaborating on practical solutions. The Week will include topical panel discussions and workshops led by the EESC Liaison Group, the ECI Day, and the EESC Civil Society Prize award ceremony. A networking village and two networking evenings will ensure plenty of opportunities to connect, exchange ideas, and build meaningful collaborations in an engaging and informal setting. Check out the programme, follow us on social media and register here! LLLP: Save your spot for the Lifelong Learning Lab 2025! 27 February – 20 March 2025 The Lifelong Learning Lab goes digital! The 2025 edition will feature four distinct training courses for national stakeholders in education and training, every Thursday, from 27 February until 20 March. Find out more about the training courses and sign up! Image © 2025 Lifelong Learning Platform EMI: Workshop on ‘Crafting a new European social contract together’, 10 March 2025 European Movement International is organising a workshop entitled ‘Crafting a new European social contract together’ as part of the EXPRESS2 Horizon Europe project. This event will bring together Civil Society Organisations and EU policymakers to discuss and provide early feedback on a draft European social contract aimed at fostering a more democratic, inclusive and sustainable Europe. The workshop will take place in person at Mundo Madou in Brussels on 10 March 2025, from 09:00 to 17:00 CET. Find out more and register HERE. ECAS: Open call for proposals: Grant-making to ECAS members in the EU, deadline: 15 March 2025 Are you an ECAS member based in the EU? This opportunity is tailored for you! Submit your application now: Lot 1: Focuses on tackling disinformation and strengthening CSOs’ resilience Lot 2: Aims to ensure a digital transformation that leaves no one behind For more information, visit our dedicated webpage: Call for proposals: Grant-making to ECAS members in the EU – 2025. Deadline: 15 March 2025. Image: © Centre for European Volunteering (CEV)/ SOLIDAR: Building a global just transition narrative: Challenges and approaches to turn a Global North concept into a common agenda SOLIDAR’s latest publication ‘Building a Global Just Transition Narrative: Challenges and Approaches to turn a Global North concept into a Common Agenda’ puts forward a narrative for a just transition. This narrative presents a shared vision that is the result of collaboration with members and partners in the Global South. It aims to challenge conceptualisations of a just transition that include leaning on Global South resources or economic growth models that only serve to exacerbate ongoing crises. To make the just transition truly equitable, voices from the Global South must be heard and should take centre stage. Read more here. SOLIDAR: DRAGHI report – Is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it SOLIDAR has published a briefing paper in response to the long-awaited and much-talked-about report by Mario Draghi, ‘EU competitiveness: Looking ahead’. While the report positions competitiveness as a central tenet of the EU’s political and policy direction for the next 5 years, SOLIDAR poses the question: what is the role of Social Europe in this vision? Social justice and sustainability must take centre stage in this vision, as this is what would make the EU a truly competitive region and a leader in the just transition, while fully respecting our founding values and fundamental rights. Read more here. AGE: EU Steps Back on Equality Protection: Withdrawal of Horizontal Equal Treatment Directive AGE Platform Europe is deeply disappointed and concerned about this decision, which represents a significant step back in the fight against discrimination, including on the grounds of age, and the protection of older people’s rights. Read more here. Free photo – No copyright
Eurochild: The situation of children in Europe This episode of the Eurochild Podcast explores how governments and the EU prioritise (or overlook) child rights, covering issues such as poverty, mental health, digital safety and climate change – along with the challenges and solutions. Read more here. Eurochild: Strengthening guardianship: Launch of GUIDE National Manuals and Service Provider Maps Discover the #GUIDEforGuardians National Manuals & Service Provider Maps to empower guardians and professionals across Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, Italy and Poland. These resources are essential for supporting unaccompanied children, including those with disabilities. Read more here. YES Forum: Better rural NEETs’ social inclusion in the EU and the UK The article, written by the YES Forum and the Together Trust, explores European and British policies to improve the social inclusion of young people that are not in education, employment or training (NEETs), and looks at civil society organisations' initiatives to tackle the issue. It also sets out examples of good practice, such as the Back on Track project. Read more here. ACE: Discover the ACE HUB Mobile App – the must-have platform for architects in Europe! The Architects’ Council of Europe presents ACE HUB, the ultimate app tailored for architects across Europe. Stay connected, expand your professional network, access valuable insights and stay informed about the latest architectural events — all in one place! Read more here. |